Monday, October 18, 2010

"NO I'm Not..."

Hey everyone!!! So fall has definitly set in here in Minnesota. The leaves have changed and fallen off which means it's almost winter season (which i'm not looking forward to)!! We are all taking advantage of the nice weather while it lasts around here. It was a fun, busy weekend. On Friday night Kim and DeVaughn invited Jabbar and I to go to ValleySCARE and we had such a good time. Josh watched the kiddo's and it was an adult fun filled night. Although I have to tell you this post would not be complete without me telling you about the "carnival themed Haunted house". If I could sum it up in one word it would have to be "HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!". Oh my Gosh it was soooo scary to me I seriously almost had an asthma attack. And THEN my mean old sister decided that it would be a great idea to give one of the clowns my name so the clown would come up right behind me and say "Braaaaaannnttllly, I'm going to come and get you Brantly." He left me alone for a few seconds and then guess what....HE WAS BAAAAACKKKK!!!! the end of the haunted house. AWFUL! TERRIFYING...AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Anyways, besides that one instance it was a-whole-lotta-fun!!!

Then on Saturday we had family pictures and our wedding photographer did them for us. I'm sooo excited to see them. They are going to be sooo pretty. They were taken at Essex Park in an area that had tons and tons of yellow and orange leaves. Soooo nice. Parker had on the flyest outfit ever, and the rest of us looked nice.

On sunday we kinda cleaned up around the house and the kids had a visit with their mom (which i'm not even going to elaborate on that whole situation) and then after dinner we did half the job on our pumpkins for halloween. Rami had a little pumpkin he had picked up from the pumpkin patch they went to as a field trip for school so I got a skeleton mr. potato head for his pumpkin. It's like a pumpkin decorating kit so you don't have to carve it.  Ramaan got her pumpkin all ready to carve and so did little mr. Parker. We are planning on carving on Wednesday. So that will be fun.

As an update on Parker, his new favorite phrase is "no i'm not". So I ask him in the morning "are you poopy?" and he says "no i'm not!!!".  So now it's not just a yes or a no it's a "NO I'M NOT" and sometimes he gets so serious and crosses his little arms and pouts and says it and that makes it even more funny. Besides that he is busy and picking up new words everyday. He pretty much talks in sentences now. When he sees a car he will say "there's a car...see?" He's a smart little cookie. Anyways that's all for now!! Love you all!

Monday, October 11, 2010

*wEddINg fUN*

This past weekend Jabbar was in a wedding. It was a friend he played ball with in high school! So the kids and I trucked up to the cities and stayed in a hotel while Jabbar went and lived it up with some old friends. I think he had a lot of fun and it was a good well deseved break for him! The wedding was very nice. They had a very interesting "cake". It was a small cake and then little shot glasses with a custard type thing in it. Parker and I didn't stay that long at the reception because he was getting crabby and hard to deal with and we still had a 2 hour drive home. While we were waiting for the wedding party at the reception they were playing music and Parker went out on the dance floor and was "working it" out on the dance floor by himself. It was HI-LAR-I-OUS!!! Jabbar looked nice, the people were nice, and it was over all a nice day!

Everything here is going pretty good, Parker is his funny little self. This coming saturday we are having family pictures taken by our wedding photographer and we are doing outside shots so I'm sure those will turn out super awesome! I'm excited but I'm still struggling with what color scheme I want for the pictures. Any ideas? I was thinking black, but black is so...boring...then I was thinking green, then I was thinking blues...I just don't know. I've been tossing around a color scheme for weeks and I just haven't been able to settle on one. I know what your thinking "wow only Brantly would struggle over a color for pictures"...I know...I know, but it really is so important. So any ideas or thoughts would be great!

Well not much else is going on here! I hope all is going well for everyone!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

*wATcH tHiS*

It's so fun to watch Parker progress into a talking machine. His newest thing is to say "WATCH THIS" and then it's followed with a jump and a cool little spin, or turning the lights on and off or something like that. He is such a joy.

This weekend Jabbar is in a friend from high schools wedding. He is going to be wearing the chocolate brown tux he had at our wedding. I must have good taste, so we are heading up to the cities for a long weekend away from home. Hopefully that will be a fun outing. Although we are taking the whole motely crew, Ramaan, Rami, Parker, Jabbar and I.

Tonight I am at work and it is so slow so it's been giving me a lot of time to do a-whole-lotta-nothin' and of course write about my life to all you beautiful people!!! And on that note...I don't really have much else to say! Love you all!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Well I am just getting into this whole blogging thing and thought I would start this to keep the family up to date on life in the Seawright house! School has started for Ramaan and Rami and the house has drastically gotten quieter between the hours of 8:30am and 4:00pm. It's nice to have quality time with little Parker. Parker is growing into such a spunky, sweet, loving, little young man!! He is such a joy to have around our house. He is little Mr. copy cat lately, which is fun...most of the time.

Twights Pumpkin Patch opened last weekend and I want to take the family there, I think the kids would really enjoy that. All the kids are really looking forward to Halloween and their costume choices change everyday. Parkers costume choice changes everyday as well but not because Parker changes his mind, more like I change my mind!! Currently here are the Halloween costume winners. Ramaan wants to be a Zombie Bride (whatever that is), Rami wants to be Mario, and Parker wants to be a tree frog or a lion, or a monkey, or a zebra...ok, nevermind I have no clue what he wants to be for Halloween, but I WILL figure it out!

The weather here in Rochester has been so nice it's been in the upper 60's low 70's and totally sunny! So Parker and I have been taking trips to the park and most recently he will go down the slide (which he loves), and then when he gets to the bottom of the slide he will do a little victory dance. It's HILARIOUS! Here is a little sneak peak of his fabulous dancing skills.

Another thing that Parker totally loves at the park are the swings. He laughs and laughs and laughs until he can laugh no more!!! Here is a video of Parker swinging and laughing away!!

All things considered life at our house is a little more hectic than I planned at this stage of my life but things are good and it is definitely teaching our family things we would have never learned without the experiences we have been through together.

I will try and keep everyone updated as much as I can! I love you all!