Monday, October 11, 2010

*wEddINg fUN*

This past weekend Jabbar was in a wedding. It was a friend he played ball with in high school! So the kids and I trucked up to the cities and stayed in a hotel while Jabbar went and lived it up with some old friends. I think he had a lot of fun and it was a good well deseved break for him! The wedding was very nice. They had a very interesting "cake". It was a small cake and then little shot glasses with a custard type thing in it. Parker and I didn't stay that long at the reception because he was getting crabby and hard to deal with and we still had a 2 hour drive home. While we were waiting for the wedding party at the reception they were playing music and Parker went out on the dance floor and was "working it" out on the dance floor by himself. It was HI-LAR-I-OUS!!! Jabbar looked nice, the people were nice, and it was over all a nice day!

Everything here is going pretty good, Parker is his funny little self. This coming saturday we are having family pictures taken by our wedding photographer and we are doing outside shots so I'm sure those will turn out super awesome! I'm excited but I'm still struggling with what color scheme I want for the pictures. Any ideas? I was thinking black, but black is so...boring...then I was thinking green, then I was thinking blues...I just don't know. I've been tossing around a color scheme for weeks and I just haven't been able to settle on one. I know what your thinking "wow only Brantly would struggle over a color for pictures"...I know...I know, but it really is so important. So any ideas or thoughts would be great!

Well not much else is going on here! I hope all is going well for everyone!


  1. I think you should all wear your halloween costumes. ;-)

  2. hahahaha...that would be sooo funny...and tacky! lol thanks for the useless suggestion! ya kim!

  3. So what did you decide?? I can't wait to see the pics!
